喂食TMR时保持凉爽的重要性 - part 2

在本文的第1部分中, you learned that when all the elements of the diet are mixed together in the TMR, 奶牛每吃一口都能得到均衡的饮食. 然而, TMR中有不需要的微生物, 被称为有氧腐败, that can reduce the feed's nutritive value and palatability. The rising temperature of the TMR causes more unwanted fermentation.

Read part 1 here >>

There are various strategies that help control the temperature of the TMR including:

  • 避免在一天中最热的时间喂食
  • Feed twice per day if possible, delivering the larger portion of the feed in the evening
  • Actively manage the silage clamp or bunker, using material at the face each day
  • Avoid adding green forage material which would increase the 水分 content
  • Make sure sprinklers or other water-based cooling systems in the barn are used away from the feeding area to prevent increasing the 水分 content
  • 添加防腐剂,如  ProMyr™TMR CoolProMyr™TMR固体 or ProMyr 咯灵活 按比例. Available in dry (ProMyr™TMR Cool and ProMyr™TMR固体) and liquid (ProMyr™ 咯灵活) forms to suit the requirements of each unique farm, ProMyr™ TMR controls the temperature of the TMR for longer, 稳定进料,减少变质.

ProMyr TMR is a synergistic blend of salts and/or organic acids used to control a wide variety of microorganisms. The product works by inhibiting the growth of a broad spectrum of unwanted microorganisms, 因此稳定了定量, 维护适口性, 并确保一致的饲料摄入量.

Available in dry (ProMyr™TMR Cool and ProMyr™TMR固体) and liquid (ProMyr™ 咯灵活) forms to suit the requirements of each unique farm, ProMyr™ TMR controls the temperature of the TMR for longer, 稳定进料,减少变质.

图2 shows the results of a laboratory study in which samples of TMR were monitored for temperature increases over time. 不含防腐剂的样品达到27 oC 9小时后. In comparison, the samples treated with ProMyr™ TMR (Solid and Flexible) reached 27 oC 15小时后. This additional 6 hours of time translates to a big difference in terms of nutritional value and palatability.    

图2. Temperature rise in TMR samples with and without a preservative product


A similar study was conducted at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences using fresh and one-day-old TMR samples (图3). Adding ProMyr™ TMR to one-day-old TMR extended the time it took for the temperature to increase by three degrees by 14 hours. 在新鲜的TMR样本中, ProMyr™ TMR extended the time before the three-degree temperature rise by 20 hours. 在实践中, this means the temperature of the TMR would not increase while it was in front of the animals, 从而减少不必要的发酵, 保持营养价值, 适口性和采食量. The benefits this delivers in terms of animal performance can be seen in 表1. 

图3. ProMyr™维持TMR温度的时间更长
表1. Performance results of cows fed TMR treated with ProMyr™TMR固体 compared to a control group






ECM *(公斤/天)












*ECM =能量修正奶

在同一个瑞典试验中, milk yield and energy corrected milk (ECM) were numerically improved when ProMyr™TMR固体 was added to the TMR. These improvements were achieved at a lower dry matter intake (DMI) level (24.6公斤/天,对照组为23公斤/天.2 in the ProMyr™TMR固体 group), equating to an improvement in the ECM: DMI ratio by 0.一个百分点.

在São Paulo University in Brazil, the same numerical improvements in milk yield were observed. The rations were examined to calculate the sorting index which showed a significant difference in material measuring 8-19 mm in length in the control group compared to the ProMyr™TMR固体 group. The cows that received the TMR with ProMyr™TMR固体 decreased selection for this particle size, 突出显示提要的排序较少.

Feeding dairy cows with a TMR is an effective and efficient way to deliver all the nutrients the animal needs for optimal milk production. But care must be taken to ensure the quality of the TMR remains high while the feed is present in front of the animal. tmr提供了完美的营养组合, 水分, 氧气促进微生物的生长. This growth and unwanted fermentation will cause the feed quality to deteriorate, 以及饲料的适口性. Feed refusals will result, and the performance and milk production of the herd will suffer.

Adding a preservative such as ProMyr™ TMR will control the growth of microorganisms and stabilize the temperature of the feed while it is in front of the animal. 这将防止不必要的发酵造成的腐败, maintain intake levels and ensure the productivity of the herd.

Contact your Perstorp area representative for more information.



